Interior Cleaner (Concentrate) – 1 Gallon
General purpose cleaning of interior and exterior surfaces vinyl, plastic, metal, carpet and fabric. Interior surfaces such as dash, consoles, carpet, fabric and upholstery. Quickly cleans grease, oil, dirt, salt, wax, road film and stubborn stains.
Concentrated formula
Penetrates deep
Silicone and phosphate free
Effective cleaning
Use in body shops
INTERIOR: For Hard Surface General Cleaning (spray on wipe off), Dilute 1:30 with water. For tougher soils, Dilute 1:5 up to 1:25 with water. Spray on surface, scrub with a soft bristle brush. Rinse with water. For steam extraction cleaning, dilute cleaner with 3-4 ounces per gallon water. For spot removal on carpet and upholstery, dilute 1:5 to 1:10 with water, spray onto spot, lightly brush with soft bristle brush. Rinse with water and extract.
EXTERIOR: For wet painted surfaces to prevent stains, Dilute 1:5 to 1:10 with water and apply to vinyl top. Scrub with a soft bristle nylon brush, repeat if needed. Rinse with water.
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